The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist [Inc Template]

Software testing is an essential step in the development process to make sure that your software is functional, reliable, and of high quality. A thorough testing process will also uncover any potential issues or bugs before the software is released to the public.

However, as there’s so many different aspects to consider, it can be challenging to know where to start! That’s why we’ve created the ultimate software testing checklist, so that you can have a clear, organised list of tasks to complete during the testing process.

This checklist will help you manage software quality, and ensure you find those bugs before release!

1. Plan your testing strategy

You need to determine which types of tests to run, how many resources are needed, and how long the testing process will take.

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - Icon alongside showing a testing strategy

2. Identify the types of testing required

There are many types of testing, including functional testing, performance testing, usability testing and localisation testing (if you need a refresher on how these types of testing differ, I recommend you read our blog “What is Software Testing, and How Does it Work?

It’s important to know what type of testing is required, as this may change how you approach the specific testing scenario.

A Beginner's Guide to Automated Testing - Image that shows two cogs, a gauge and a magnifying glass to show functional and non-functional testing

3. Create your test plan and document your test cases

These should include specific scenarios that you will use to test your software. Include both positive and negative test cases to ensure that the software is robust and can handle a variety of inputs (Read our blog “Essential Tests for a Quality Engineer

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - icon showing a software test plan

4. Identify the test environment

Your test environment is the physical or virtual space where your testing will take place. You’ll need to make sure that your test environment is set up to closely mimic the environment in which the software will be used.

For example, if you are testing an application that will be used on tablets within a retail store, your test environment should include tablets, a Wi-Fi network, a point-of-sale system, and a barcode scanner that are similar to the ones that would be used in-store. This will allow you to test the application under conditions that closely mimic the real-world environment in which it’ll be used.

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - icon showing test environment

5. Set up the test data

Make sure that you create any necessary test accounts, files, or other data that you’ll need to use during the testing process.

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - icon showing test data

6. Run the tests!

Now you’ve setup your test environment, it’s time to test! You’ll need to execute each of the test cases and record the results. If you discover any issues, these will need to be carefully documented.

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - Icon alongside showing test runs

7. Analyse the results

You’ve completed your testing, so now it’s time to look at the results! You’ll need to analyse your test results and identify any areas that need further testing or improvement.

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - Icon alongside showing results analysis

8. Report the findings

Create a comprehensive report of your testing process, including the results and any recommendations for improvement.

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - Screenshot showing a detailed report in Qucate, a test management tool

9. Fix those issues!

You’ve completed your tested and documented the results, now it’s time to fix the issues that you found whilst you were testing! You’ll need to make sure that you’ve addressed and resolved any issues before releasing your software.

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - Icon alongside showing fixing issues and bugs

10. Re-test

Once you’ve fixed the issues (or even if you’ve made other changes since the initial round of testing), it’s important to re-test. This is not only to ensure that the changes work as intended, but also to ensure that they don’t accidentally break other areas of the system, so it’s important to carefully identify areas which may have been impacted by the change.

Test planning tool, retest test runs when writing a test plan

11. Repeat as necessary

Frequently, as you work your way through a test case, or as you’re analysing a result, you may identify new test scenarios, some of which may require additional test data or a specific test environment! As a quality engineer, you need to be thorough and flexible.

The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - icon showing repeating testing

By following this checklist, you can ensure that your software is thoroughly tested and ready for release. It’s also a good idea to regularly review and update your testing checklist to keep up with any changes in the software development process.

You can continue to improve your test process by considering implementing best practices:

  • By involving the entire development team in the testing process, you can make sure that you have different perspectives and expertise, and that these are taken into account. It will also help foster collaboration and teamwork.


  • Try using a variety of testing techniques. Different types of tests are better suited to different aspects of the software. For example, unit tests are useful for testing individual components, while integration tests are more suited to testing how the different components of the software work together.


  • Test early and often! The earlier you start testing, the more time you will have to fix any issues that you’ve discovered. It’s also a good idea to run tests regularly throughout the development process to catch any issues as they arise.


  • Be thorough. It’s important to test every aspect of the software, including the user interface, the underlying code, and any integrations to third-party libraries or components.


  • Consider using a test management tool. A test management tool is a software application that helps you plan, track, and report on your testing efforts. It can be especially useful for organising and tracking the results of different types of tests, and for identifying and prioritising any issues that need to be fixed. Using a test management tool can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your testing process. Qucate is a test management tool and includes a free 30-day trial; find out more at

In conclusion, a software testing checklist is a valuable tool for ensuring that your software is of high quality and functions as intended. By including functionality testing, usability testing, compatibility testing, performance testing, security testing, regression testing, and automated testing in your testing process, you can be confident that your software is thoroughly tested and ready for release. By using this comprehensive checklist, you can ensure that your software meets the needs of your users and performs well in a variety of environments.

At Koderly, we use Qucate to plan, coordinate and execute our software testing process. Qucate allows you to create fully audited test plans for compliance, visibility, and transparency, whilst improving quality and test coverage. If you’re looking for a test management platform, head to our Qucate page for more information, and start your 30-day free trial today!

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Picture of Ian Munro

Ian Munro

Ian is our product director and solutions specialist at the forefront of emerging web technologies and cutting-edge of user experience, with a strong focus on web and mobile development.
The Ultimate Software Testing Checklist - icon showing a software test plan

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