Koderly is now a Living Wage Employer

We’re proud to announce that we’ve recently been accredited as a Living Wage Employer.

There are three types of wage rates in the UK. The National Minimum Wage, which is compulsory for all employers and applies to employees who are at least school leaving age; the National Living Wage, which is compulsory for all employers and applies to all staff over 25 years of age and the Real Living Wage, which is paid voluntarily and applies to all staff who are 18 years and older.

Living Wage Employers pay the Real Living Wage which is higher than the government minimum. The Real Living Wage rates are higher because they are independently calculated based on what employees need to get by.

Currently in the UK, there are only 5,869 accredited Living Wage Employers, and we are 1 of 22 employers in the Tech industry in the North West to have received the accreditation – livingwage.org.uk

The Living Wage accreditation shows our commitment to fair pay and ensures that all employees are paid a wage that meets the costs of living, not just the government minimum.

Chief Executive, Craig Kennedy said: “We’re really proud to have obtained the Living Wage Accreditation. It’s an important aspect of our employee stewardship model and demonstrates our commitment to the well-being of our current and future employees.” 

This is an exciting time for the company, as we continue to commit to positively impacting our employees and community and adapting ourselves as we grow.

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Picture of Rebecca Lawton

Rebecca Lawton

Our Head of Partnerships and Marketing, Rebecca, is responsible for the generation and management of digital marketing content. She is an accomplished copywriter and has experience in SEO. Rebecca also leads our community engagement programmes, and works closely with our key partners.